Bye Bye Pacifier: How We Helped Our Son Wean His Pacifier

When Jude took to his pacifier as a newborn I was thrilled. The pacifier is such a great tool to help a baby soothe and has also been found to be a preventative for SIDS. I was all for the pacifier! Of course at the time my mind isn’t thinking about the day that I...

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Nap Transitions: When to Drop a Nap

Nap Transitions: When to Drop a Nap

You feel like you have your baby’s/toddler’s schedule down and then all of a sudden they begin resisting one of their naps. This is surprising to you because this is normally a nap that they take every day consistently and it's the time that you are guaranteed a...

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Fears and Misconceptions of Sleep Training: The Truth Behind Common Fears and Misconceptions About Sleep Training 

Fears and Misconceptions of Sleep Training: The Truth Behind Common Fears and Misconceptions About Sleep Training 

Let’s be honest. What’s the first thing you think about when you hear the phrase “sleep training”? Everyone’s answer is going to be different, but I guarantee many of you would probably shout out; “crying”, “vomiting”, “nightmare”, “emotional”, “impossible” etc......

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